CPR and First Aid Class
Americam Heart Assiciation Courses

Friends and Families
This is a non-credentialed basic CPR course for lay people. It is designed for people who want to learn adult, child and infant CPR skills for their friends and families. There is no test or skills evaluation. Students receive a course completion card with their CPR booklet. Course length is approximately 2-4 hours depending on which module is included. There is an adult and pediatric module available.
Heartsaver CPR
This is a credentialed CPR course for lay responders. Adult CPR skils are taught along with the use of barrier protection such as pocket face masks. There is pediatric module for this course that can be combined with the adult module or given separately. There is written and skills evaluation in this course. Students receive the American heart Assocation Heartsaver book and a credentialed course completion. This course meets the requirements of athletic coaches and personal trainers.
The Heartsaver/AED course is directed toward lay responders who are expected to responed with an automated external defibrillator. Skills covered are; adult CPR skills, use of a pocket face mask, foreign body airway obstruction, and the use of the automated external defibrillator. There is a written and skills evaluation in this course. Students receive the Heartsaver/AED book and a course completion card. This course meets the requirements for training outlined under the New York State Access to Defibrillation Law. COurse length is approximately 3 A 1/2 to $ hours.
Bacsic Life Support for Healthcare Provider (Orginal)
The course is directed toward healthcare providers such as; nurses, physicians, paramedics lifegurds and other allied healthcare providers. Adult and pediatric CPR, foreign body airway obstruction in conscious and inconscious patients, use of barrier protection (pocket masks), bag valve mask ventilation (BVM's) and the use of the Automated External Defiber illator are covered in this course. There is a written and skills evalution in this course. Students receive the BLS for Healthcare book and a cousr completion card. The course length is approximately six hours.
Basic Life Support for Healthcare Provider (refresher)
This course is the refresher component of the original Basic Life Suppotr for Healthcare Provider. Students must show a current of expired BLS card for admittance to this course. All of the skills are covered and there is a written and skills evaluation. There is no book provided for this course unless the student requests one. Books are available for review during the course. Course length is 3 hours.
All american Heart Association cards are vaild for two years. Some employers require more frequent CPR updates. This is particularly true with respect to Lifeguards. Current New York State Health law requires annual renewal.
Basic Life Support CPR Instructior Course
This American Heart Association course perpares the student for the role of Basic Cardiac Life Support Instructor. It is a 16 hour course which helps students develop skills necessary to instruct of the American Heart Association BLS courses. It covers skills, administration and equipment issues. Students must have a current American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Provider card and pass a skills screening. Upon successful completion students will be able to instruct on their own.